What We Believe
We are an Anglican Church and part of AMiA, Anglican Mission in America. Established in the Anglican tradition, founded in the first-century church and developed during the English Reformation, AMiA is distinctly, and equally, nourished by these three streams: scripture, sacraments, and spirit.
Three Streams
We believe the sacramental life is embodied in the sacraments instituted by Jesus, and in the creeds, practices and teachings, based upon those sacraments, that Christians have held throughout the centuries (known as the catholic tradition).
We hold that Scripture guides our lives and is the authority for us, as individuals and for the whole Church (known as the evangelical tradition).
We trust the Holy Spirit is at work in the Church, in the world, and in each of those who confess Jesus as the Son of God, the Christ, manifesting His power and preparing us for ministry through the bounty of His gifts (known as the charismatic tradition).
Three Stream Living
Three-Stream Living is a place where three-stream Anglicans come to grow and learn together how to live out a three-stream life. We truly believe that this life is an expression of the call we have on our lives to usher in God’s kingdom on earth. As we live a life that is balanced with the word of God, connection to the broadness of the saints and traditions and the ongoing outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we will make a difference, we will bear the fruit God promises and we will be doing the good work God has prepared for us in advance.

We are an Anglican church affiliated with AMiA. Please click here to learn more about The Anglican Mission in America.